Everyone knows that new Mums are often shattered. But no one tells you that feeling tired can go on for years and years... without ever feeling like you’ve got your old self back. Do you feel:
- Constantly tired
- Anxious and worried all the time
- Out of control with your eating
- Addicted to sugar
- Like you're never fully fit?
This online group programme is ideal for you... with live lessons, daily support from me, simple meal plans, lifestyle tips and quick, family friendly recipes.
Trust me... I was once a Shattered Mum too, I know what it feels like. I've put together an incredible programme that can make a difference, really quickly.
I'll show you how you can eat well every day… even if you have no cooking skills, are a self-confessed sugar addict, find meal times stressful and life is so busy that you can’t even imagine fitting in food preparation.
"I cannot recommend this course enough!"
Meghan Douglass-Ellis, Shattered Mum Recovery Programme July 2018
What is The Shattered Mum Recovery Programme?
On this 28 day online group programme, you'll discover...
Live Lesson 1: Why am I so tired all the time? Why can't I manage stress? Why am I craving sugar and carbs? What's wrong with me?
Live Lesson 2: Simple changes, big results! Blood sugar balancing and 7 days to a sugar free, energy boosting diet
Live Lesson 3: How to stop your stress bucket overflowing
Live Lesson 4: Simple food prep for busy Mums... staying motivated and on track!
Live Lesson 5: What's the right exercise for energy and the fuel to do it right! And how to keep your hormones balanced.
On top of these FIVE LIVE lessons, you'll receive:
- Lifetime access to recordings of all the live lessons... in case you can't make it live or want to recap.
- Daily support from me through our closed Facebook group... I'll post tips, new recipes, meal ideas and videos every day for 28 days, plus you can ask me any questions, any time!
- The Shattered Mums Recovery Guide: with meal ideas, plans and recipes... all suitable for a busy family life, (most can be made in under 10 mins with just a few ingredients). I'll give you new things to try as we go through the course as you feel more energetic and confident.
- Supplement recommendations to help speed your energy boost... with 15% lifetime discount on any recommended professional quality supplements
- Access to The Shattered Mums private Facebook group, where you can tap into our community of fellow Mums on the journey with you. This group will only include the other Mums on this course with you... no one else. Plus I’ll also be online regularly answering your questions.
- Q&A at the end of each lesson: you can ask me any questions, discuss any difficulties you’re having, celebrate your successes
- An email “hotline” directly to me… so you can ask me your questions and send feedback to me.
- Lifetime access to my Eat Well for Life Facebook group... You can use this to get inspiration and advice from other Mums, plus you can ask me any questions you want... any time!
- Optional Bonus videos to watch in between lessons... these include meditations, shopping tips, exercise advice and more lifestyle hacks.
I’ll show you how you can eat well every day… even if you have no cooking skills, are a self-confessed sugar addict, find meal times stressful and life is so busy that you can’t even imagine fitting in food preparation.
"I am just so pleased that my body & mind are in the best, 'nutritional state' that they have been in for years… I have really enjoyed the journey and make better food choices on a daily basis thanks to you...
Most beneficially for me so far is the feeling of being full and not needing to, 'graze' throughout the day. I have made many positive changes encouraging my children to also snack less and if they do, to also make healthy choices.”
- Mrs H, UK. Shattered Mum Recovery Programme, July 2018
So here it is, my latest course... this is your chance to be part of this exciting, life changing programme
Throughout this online programme, you'll get more support from me than I've ever offered before...
Do you want a properly trained Nutritional Therapist on hand every single day to ask questions, give you tips, meal ideas and health advice?
I am now one of the most experienced Nutritional Therapists in the UK, and I've seen over 1200 clients in my private clinic in my 10 years of clinical practice. I am a highly trained, and fully registered nutritional therapist, and also work for The Spire Hospital and other large organisations as part of my nutritional work. I've also been featured on BBC News, BBC Radio, in the Telegraph, The Daily Mail and many more national and international publications.
Unlimited Access to me:
Usually my private clients pay a minimum of £1000 to get access to me for one to one coaching... which is why I wanted to create this group online course, so that I could access more Mums in a more meaningful way, at a price that is more accessible to all. You'll get access to me whenever you need it as part of this course - for the full 28 days - either through during our live lessons (5 in total), through the secret Facebook group, or you can email me when you need to.
“It has been amazing. It was so much more than a nutritional course... but so much more about living a long, healthy and happy life.
It really felt that you were like a ‘life coach’ who knows so much more than nutrition, it was the whole package, a complete holistic approach to living life well.
I would rate it way above a 10. I thought it was incredible to gain all that knowledge and information for that price.”
I know what it's like to feel shattered...
I know what it's like to feel like you can barely lift your head throughout the day, or concentrate on what you're doing... I was once a Shattered Mum too. Yes me, a nutritional therapist!
My kids were over the baby stage... but I still didn't feel like I had my energy back. My health started to deteriorate, I was putting on weight, I didn’t feel like I could manage stress anymore and I just felt like I wasn’t the Mum or wife I thought I’d be.
So many Mums are shattered no matter how old their children... from babies right through to teenagers and beyond. Stressed, knackered, grumpy, frazzled and feeling out of control with their body and mind. Does that sound like you?
Mums don't have to be shattered!
I’m happy to tell you that I’m now in the best health ever…I hardly ever get a cold or tummy bug, I’m feeling fit, strong and full of energy… and those niggley chronic health conditions that stirred their head have now disappeared.
I’ve found an amazing combination of dietary, supplement and lifestyle changes that work with a busy life…
...and I’ve taught these strategies to so many women with immediate results!
So many of you out there are telling me:
- You feel knackered and you don’t know why
- You’re tired of feeling tired
- You don’t feel like your body is your own anymore
- You’re anxious for no reason and worry about the silliest of things
- You feel completely out of control with your eating (even though you feed your kids really well!)
- Your hormones are all over the place
- You keep going back to your GP and have had lots of tests, but there’s nothing medically wrong
- You’re putting on weight around your tummy for no reason and often feel bloated
- You just can’t stick to a good eating plan and keep falling off the wagon
- You're addicted to sugar and carbs
- You exercise but often put on weight... or don't have the energy to do it
- Sex drive… what sex drive?
I want to coach you through a programme that can help you change this forever... in a way that doesn’t involve any faddy diets, that you can fit in your busy life and will help you improve your relationship with your food and your body… for good.
Ready to claim back your energy and vitality?
When does the next live programme start?
We start on Thursday 14th February.

“I feel a million times better. I have more energy, less anxiety and my peri-menopause symptoms have all but disappeared…. Thank you so much for your help.
Small changes, but huge difference.”
- Nicky, Norfolk
How do I book my place?
Imagine the things you could do with more energy, vitality and joy?
"I have recently completed the Shattered Mum Recovery Programme and can absolutely say, I have so much more energy each day. ... Thank you Catherine, you've been fabulous and I'm so very grateful.”
- Lily, Norwich. Shattered Mum Recovery Programme, July 2018
Frequently Asked Questions
I expect the next programme to sell out really quickly... so if you're tired of feeling tired and want to regain your health and vitality, then sign up for one of the places today (click on the button below).
If you have any questions about the course, please send me an email [email protected] or you can leave a message for me to call you on 01603 713200 (UK number). I hope you can join me on this exciting journey!
Catherine x
To find out more details about this programme and to be kept updated about similar programmes please enter your details below.
Nutritional Therapist & Yoga Teacher
Catherine Jeans
I'm Catherine, one of the UK's most experienced and highly trained Functional Nutritional Therapists. I'm also a Registered Yoga Teacher, a busy Mum of 2 and a passionate but realistic foodie... I know what it's like trying to balance healthy meals and regular movement around a busy home life. I believe that good, healthy food doesn't have to be complicated, and I've worked with over a thousand clients in my private clinic, and taught them how to eat well for life, in an achievable way. I now spread my message of healthy, happy eating around the world with my online courses.
I'm also a stress expert, incorporating Yoga, Breathwork and Mindfulness into my teaching, so that I can help you balance your stress levels and better manage whatever life throws at you. I love teaching people that healthy eating and positive lifestyle changes don't have to be a sacrifice... you can eat well, move well and breath well for life. I look forward to showing you how. Catherine Jeans DipION mBANT CNHC YTT200