Registration will be opening again soon!

In the meantime, sign up to my waiting list to be the first to hear about the next course dates.

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    Everyone knows that new Mums are often shattered.  But no one tells you that feeling tired can go on for years and years... without ever feeling like you’ve got your old self back.  If you feel constantly tired, unable to manage stress, out of control with your eating, addicted to sugar and generally feeling under par most days, then this online programme is for you.

    Trust me... I was once a Shattered Mum too, and I've put together an incredible programme of dietary changes (that are easy to follow and simple to incorporate into your family life), lifestyle tweaks and nutritional changes that can make a difference, really quickly.

    I'll show you how you can eat well every day… even if you have no cooking skills, are a self-confessed sugar addict, find meal times stressful and life is so busy that you can’t even imagine fitting in food preparation.

    "I cannot recommend this course enough!"

    Meghan Douglass-Ellis, Shattered Mum Recovery Programme July 2018

    It has been amazing. It was so much more than a nutritional course... but so much more about living a long, healthy and happy life. 

    It really felt that you were like a ‘life coach’ who knows so much more than nutrition, it was the whole package, a complete holistic approach to living life well.

    I would rate it way above a 10. I thought it was incredible to gain all that knowledge and information for that price.” 

    - Jo, Norfolk.  Shattered Mum Recovery Programme, July 2018. 

    I’ve found an amazing combination of dietary, supplement and lifestyle changes that work with a busy life…

    ...and I’ve taught these strategies to so many women in my private clinic, with immediate results, and most recently to my first online group of Shattered Mums.  I want to share this effective and life-changing programme with as many Mums as I can.

    So many of you out there are telling me:

    • You feel knackered and you don’t know why
    • You’re tired of feeling tired
    • You don’t feel like your body is your own anymore
    • You’re anxious for no reason and worry about the silliest of things
    • You feel completely out of control with your eating (even though you feed your kids really well!)
    • Your hormones are all over the place
    • You keep going back to your GP and have had lots of tests, but there’s nothing medically wrong
    • You’re putting on weight around your tummy for no reason and often feel bloated
    • You just can’t stick to a good eating plan and keep falling off the wagon
    • You're addicted to sugar, carbs and never have enough energy to exercise
    • Sex drive… what sex drive?

    I want to coach you through a programme that can help you change this forever... in a way that doesn’t involve any faddy diets and will help you improve your relationship with your food and your body… for good.

    Ready to claim back your energy and vitality?

    Register your interest in the next Shattered Mum Recovery Programme... 

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    “I feel a million times better. I have more energy, less anxiety and my peri-menopause symptoms have all but disappeared…. Thank you so much for your help. 

    Small changes, but huge difference.”  

    - Nicky, Norfolk

    Frequently Asked Questions

    When will the lessons take place and what if I can't make it?   

    The meetings will be via Zoom - a really easy to use meeting software that's free to use - I'll send you the link a couple of days before our first meeting so you can get yourself signed up.  You'll also be sent recordings of all the lessons to catch up and watch again. 

    What if I have a medical issue, take medication or have food intolerances.  Can I still join?

    Yes you can - just ask me about anything you’re unsure of.  Also you should consult with your GP about any pre-existing medical conditions or medications you take, before starting on any nutritional supplements which may be recommended as part of the course, and whether changing your diet is suitable for you. 


    Will there be supplements to buy?  

    Diet and lifestyle changes always come first... but supplements can help speed up your journey, so I'll be making some supplement recommendations if you wish to purchase them. But this isn't essential.  You'll also get 15% lifetime discount on any supplements you purchase... so you can continue to use them after the course has finished at the discounted price. 


    Will I get a course pack or notes?   

    Yes in week 1, I'll be giving you access to your first course pack right here on Thinkific.  This will exlain all the basics of how you're going to eat over the 4 weeks, some "homework" sheets to fill in so that you can show me the dietary changes you've made, health goals you've set yourself and daily motivation tasks.  Then as the weeks go on, I'll be releasing more meal ideas, recipes, tips, meditation videos... and anything I think you need to keep you on track and motivated.  

    You’ll also be able to access all the course material via my online learning portal, so you’ll find everything you need in one place.  

    If you have any more questions about the course, please do not hesitate to email me [email protected]

    "This course has been so healing for me… my energy levels have significantly increased and evened out, and I’m finally free from the desperate urge for a midday nap!  I’m rarely hungry, and get an enormous buzz out of knowing everything that I put into my body is fuel for my busy life, as the parent of a high-energy toddler.

    Understanding how to support your body on dealing with life's stresses, and why what you’re doing is working, means that you're not following a prescriptive diet, but undergoing an informed and conscious lifestyle change.  This is backed up with an amazing community vibe from fellow Mums who have supported me in sticking to my goals.”  

    - Meghan Douglass-Ellis, Norwich

    • Catherine Jeans

      Nutritional Therapist & Yoga Teacher

      Catherine Jeans

      I'm Catherine, one of the UK's most experienced and highly trained Functional Nutritional Therapists. I'm also a Registered Yoga Teacher, a busy Mum of 2 and a passionate but realistic foodie... I know what it's like trying to balance healthy meals and regular movement around a busy home life. I believe that good, healthy food doesn't have to be complicated, and I've worked with over a thousand clients in my private clinic, and taught them how to eat well for life, in an achievable way. I now spread my message of healthy, happy eating around the world with my online courses.

      I'm also a stress expert, incorporating Yoga, Breathwork and Mindfulness into my teaching, so that I can help you balance your stress levels and better manage whatever life throws at you. I love teaching people that healthy eating and positive lifestyle changes don't have to be a sacrifice... you can eat well, move well and breath well for life. I look forward to showing you how. Catherine Jeans DipION mBANT CNHC YTT200