Yoga for Every Body
Every body can do yoga, and I'm passionate about bringing nourishing vinyasa flow to anyone who wants to learn.
Join me for this weekly 60 minutes class - which you can tune into at the time that suits you, go back and practice and repeat the class as often as you wish!
I'm a passionate believer that every body can do yoga. No matter your size or shape, there's a yoga variation for every posture and flow to suit you.
In this 60 minutes class, I'll take you through nourishing yoga sequences and asanas, offering different variations and use of props, to help YOU get the best out of YOUR practice.
Why is yoga so good for you?
Having worked as a Nutritional Therapist and Functional Health Practitioner for over a decade, I'm seeing more and more people who are becoming unwell due to stress, overwhelm, poor digestion and lack of movement.
Yoga can help to address so many of these factors... providing you with a framework to bring more balance to your body and mind.
My 60 minutes Vinyasa flow classes will include flowing asana sequences combined with breathwork and chakra balancing. We'll spend more time in some postures, helping you to understand how to bring your body into alignment and getting the best out of an asana, for you, on that day. Plus we'll incorporate pranayama breathwork practices, meditation and a guided relaxation at the end of every class.